Hi, I am Abbie Summers

front-end dev

Abbie Summers

What I do

Web Development

I am a fullstack developer with experience using Javascript, Express, React.js, Netlify, HTML and CSS. My preference for front-end development stems from my passion for accessibility and creating an inclusive community.

Active Learning

As a recent graduate of a web dev boot camp, it is incredibly important to me that I continue practicing and studying. Since graduation I have been working on personal projects to build a portfolio. I have been attending webinars, meetups, and networking events to keep up with the industry trends and hear about new concepts.

Career change

A year ago I was working as the accounts receivable coordinator for Silverstein Properties in New York. The work became unsatisfying. Unlike accounting, web development is rooted in creativity and innovation. Career options are less limited in tech and I can explore my passion for accessibility in a more impactful way.

My Work

Who I am

front-end based out of Amsterdam

I am an American expat and holder of Dutch residency and work permit. Last year I was working as a bookkeeper in NYC. An exciting career opportunity for my husband prompted our move to the Netherlands. Being unemployed, in a foreign country, and in the middle of a pandemic, I decided it was the perfect time to learn a new skill. I am excited to start a new career in tech and a new life in the Netherlands.

Accessibility in tech has been the most intriguing part of my web dev studies. The lack of accessibility denies full digital experiences to people with disabilities, reinforcing social inequity. I have friends and family with disabilities, I've had coworkers, clients, and managers with disabilities. In order to create an inclusive community, these people deserve our respect and consideration in the digital world. My passion for accessibility and inclusivity will bring a new and unique viewpoint to my next web dev team.

Abbie Summers

My work

A selection of my range of work

Awesome Trivia screenshot
Tea Cozy Screenshot
fotomatic Screenshot